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Time travel: a conversation between a scientist and a literature professor

Time travel: a conversation between a scientist and a literature professor

Literature professor Simon John James and physicist Richard Bower were both involved in the curating the exhibition, Time Machines – the past, the future, and how stories take us there. Their conversations quickly revealed to them the many, wildly various, meanings of “time travel”. Here, they discuss how time travelling in literary and scientific terms might, one day, coincide.

July 4, 2017

What to listen to next? Audiobook recommendations galore

What to listen to next? Audiobook recommendations galore

It can always be difficult to pick your next title to listen to. Whether you've just come off the back of listening to a book you loved or one that you're not sure was quite right for you, or if you've never listened to an audiobook before, how do you pick from the vast range of books out there?

June 5, 2017

Reading classic novels in an era of climate change

Reading classic novels in an era of climate change

There is a strange and troubled kind of intimacy between our own moment of climate change and 19th century Britain. It was there that a global, fossil fuel economy first took shape, through its coal-powered factories, railways, and steamships, which drove the emergence of modern consumer capitalism. 

May 30, 2017

How robots can help us embrace a more human view of disability

How robots can help us embrace a more human view of disability

When dealing with the otherness of disability, the Victorians in their shame built huge out-of-sight asylums, and their legacy of “them” and “us” continues to this day. Two hundred years later, technologies offer us an alternative view. The digital age is shattering barriers, and what used to the norm is now being challenged.

May 22, 2017

Why you don't need to write much to be the world's bestselling author

Why you don't need to write much to be the world's bestselling author

By the estimation of award-winning author Donal Ryan, there are times when 300 sales might be enough to make a chart topper – the bestseller mantle tends to have more promotional than monetary value. Of course there are the literary blockbusters — titles like Harry Potter and The Da Vinci Code — books that ship hundreds of millions of copies. But combine the sales of JK Rowling and Dan Brown, even throw in John Grisham, and you’re still lagging behind the sales figures of the world’s true bestselling author — James Patterson. 

April 18, 2017

Why children’s books that teach diversity are more important than ever

Why children’s books that teach diversity are more important than ever

If you think back to your childhood, what sticks with you? For many people, it’s those cosy times when they were cuddled up with a parent or grandparent, being read a story

March 27, 2017

What brain regions control our language? And how do we know?

What brain regions control our language? And how do we know?

When you read something, you first need to detect the words and then to interpret them by determining context and meaning. This complex process involves many brain regions.

March 20, 2017

People with learning disabilities want to find love too

People with learning disabilities want to find love too

This Valentine’s Day will once again see a celebration of love. Unfortunately for many people with learning disabilities, this is just a dream. Although they may want to be in a relationship, they are often faced with barriers and challenges that prevent them finding what many take for granted. But specialised dating agencies can help to provide the support they need to meet new people and find romance.

February 14, 2017

Eight podcasts to get between your ears this year

Eight podcasts to get between your ears this year

The podcast industry has grown exponentially in recent years, with recommendations for new podcasts as common as tips for restaurants and shows on Netflix. But what do experts listen to? The Conversation asked eight authors from across their sections to tell us about their favourite podcasts – and why you should tune in.

February 7, 2017

Authors' adorable pets - here to make you smile

Authors' adorable pets - here to make you smile

On this Blue Monday, we're here with a pick-me-up. We love authors and the wonderful books they write. And what do authors love? Their pets. So here are some of the cutest and most lovely animals, along with what their talented owners write.

January 16, 2017