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Audiobook Reviewer and Presenter, The Duke of Edinburgh's Skills Award

What We Offer Duke of Edinburgh Awards Logo

Listening Books provides an audiobook lending service to anyone that finds that an illness, disability, learning difficulty or mental health condition impacts on reading. We are offering the Bronze and Silver Level Skills Award, which you can achieve by reviewing an audiobook of your choice. By completing this skill, you’ll demonstrate your analytical and creative skills, as well as enjoy a great book!

You will be guided and supported at each stage to help you complete your skill. There are two levels to choose from. 

Bronze Award

To complete your bronze award, create a written review of the book you have chosen. Written reviews will be assessed on content, structure and analysis of the book chosen. 

Silver Award

To achieve your silver award, create a video or audio recording of your book review. Tips for how to structure and film your review can be found in this short video.  Recorded reviews will be assessed on content, presentation, structure and analysis of the book chosen.  We suggest 3 months is needed per book, so if you decide that you would like to use your skill for the 6 month section, then please let us know and you will need to review 2 books, showing progression from your 1st to 2nd submission.

Purple square with person outlined in green.  Text reads: How It Works

How Does It Work?

1. Choose a book you’d like to review
2. Listen to the book through our website, or using the Libby app
3. Depending on whether you are completing your Bronze or Silver level Skill, create your recording or written review
4. Submit your review
5. With your permission, we’ll share your book review on our website and social media channels
6. We will act as your assessor and will complete your assessment report and confirm whether you have passed

Blue Square with green play symbol and text: When Can I Start.

When Can I Start?

You can join Listening Books at any time. We will provide a guideline for delivery of your review when you join, but this will usually be 3 months after your joining date. 

Purple square with white text and pound symbol. Text reads: What Does It Cost?

What Does It Cost?

To complete your skill, you need a membership to Listening Books, which costs £20 per year, or you can apply for free membership if you couldn't afford this.  All course materials and everything you need to pass your Bronze Skill is included in a Listening Books membership.  

You can join Listening Books (and complete your DofE skill with us) if you live in the UK and have an illness, disability, learning difficulty or mental health condition that impacts on your ability to read the written word or hold a book.

Thank you so much for providing this online skills opportunity to children who are very anxious, and for being so kind and supportive throughout. Your patience was really encouraging too. My daughter has enjoyed, and got a lot from the experience and has done brilliantly in overcoming some of her personal challenges in participating, eg at the start she was worried about writing emails but by the end she could do this independently and well. She writes a good email now.

Parent of MemberParent of Member