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Inventors and Their Bright Ideas
Author: Mike Goldsmith
Format: Online
Author Mike Goldsmith
Narrator Richard K. Hodson
Duration 3h
You've probably heard of a few inventors and their bright ideas...* Alexander Graham Bell and his telephone * George Stevenson and his Rocket (which was really a train) * John Logie Baird and hi television. But have you heard that... * Bell didn't invent th phone, but he did make a weird machine out of hay and a human ear * Stevenson didn't invent...
View BookAuthor: Nick Arnold
Format: Online
Author Nick Arnold
Narrator Richard K. Hodson
Duration 3h 19m
Horrible Science: Shocking Electricity is packed with sizzling zap-fillied facts to electrify every reader. Children can find out about the scientist who gave electric shocks to his eyeballs, that lightning can strike you with heat five times hotter than the sun and much more besides!
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