There are two ways that most of our hospitals choose to join the service, but if they don’t suit your set-up please give our friendly staff a call to talk through what might work for you.
If your hospital already has internet enabled devices (tablets or phones) that you are able to share with the patients and a decent wifi that you can connect to, then this option is for you.
For just £50 for the year, we will supply you with a username and password to access over 9,000 digital audiobooks. You will need to add the Libby app to your devices and log in. The details will allow you to download and stream five audiobooks at a time, meaning if you had five devices, five patients could be listening at once. If you would like more patients to listen at once then you can purchase a higher allocation – in increments of five.
If you don’t have devices but you do have internet connection
If you don’t have devices, we can source these and install our app for you. You can choose how many devices you would like to purchase and we will buy these on your behalf for you at cost, and we can normally get some for around £110 (please check with us at time of purchase though as prices do vary). The devices are yours to keep even if you decide not to carry on with the service after your initial year. Once you have decided how many devices you need, it is just £50 on top of that per year to access the service.
If you don’t have a good internet connection you can still join!
If you don't have a stable internet connection, you have two options –
1. You can purchase a mifi unit for your ward
2. You can take your devices somewhere there is a good connection and download the books from there. Once they are on your device, you can listen from anywhere with no internet connection d. We can provide paper catalogues of our most popular books for your patients to choose from.
Thank you so much for providing this online skills opportunity to children who are very anxious, and for being so kind and supportive throughout. Your patience was really encouraging too. My daughter has enjoyed, and got a lot from the experience and has done brilliantly in overcoming some of her personal challenges in participating, eg at the start she was worried about writing emails but by the end she could do this independently and well. She writes a good email now.