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The best book events in London this May

The best book events in London this May

If the perk in the weather has given you some more get-up-and-go, we have the perfect way to use that energy and engage that curious mind! Whether you're looking for some entertainment or to puzzle out some politics, London is bursting with amazing book events this May.

May 10, 2016

New book releases: 2016 so far

New book releases: 2016 so far

We’re now almost a third of the way through the year (what, really? Surely it’s still February?), but what does 2016 have to show for itself? Well, if the news is anything to go by, it seems to have been dominated by the continuing migrant crisis, Donald Trump, and nobody knowing what to think about the EU referendum.

April 11, 2016

Celebrating women authors: favourites from the Listening Books team

Celebrating women authors: favourites from the Listening Books team

To mark International Women's Day we're celebrating some of Listening Books' favourite women authors. We've not based it on the top sellers, or necessarily the most poignant - but on the most enjoyment and satisfaction we get when listening to or reading their books. So here's to the women we love to read!

March 7, 2016

Children's books that will make you cry

Children's books that will make you cry

The Guardian recently published this article on books that make you cry. A book that gets the tears going is usually a good one, and the comments showed an interesting trend. Among the Time Traveller's Wifes and Attonements of the world, were a whole host of children's books.

February 11, 2016

Author: Margaret Forster

Author: Margaret Forster

Honouring author Margaret Forster, who died on Monday, aged 77. Award-winning author Margaret Forster wrote a great many well-loved novels and biographies. Her earliest success was Georgy Girl, published in 1965, which was turned into a film the following year.

February 9, 2016

National Libraries Day: The curious case of the lesser-spotted library

National Libraries Day: The curious case of the lesser-spotted library

Today is National Libraries Day! All over the country, people are celebrating what makes our libraries special. And in the face of funding cuts and widespread library closures in the UK, showing your support for libraries is more important now than ever.

February 6, 2016

National Storytelling Week: Storytelling 101

National Storytelling Week: Storytelling 101

Once upon a time humans started telling stories. This sounds vague, but it's actually pretty accurate, as humans and stories seem about as old as each other. Storytelling appears to have just happened, and has thankfully kept on happening ever since.

January 25, 2016

Gifts for audiobook lovers: Our guide to trips and gifts

Gifts for audiobook lovers: Our guide to trips and gifts

Tis' the season to be jolly, those *Christmassy* vibes are in the air, and we've got your gifting inspiration for book lovers covered. (And perhaps some ideas of things to add to your own Christmas list!)

December 7, 2015

Why Animal Farm was criticised when it was released

Why Animal Farm was criticised when it was released

An allegorical, satirical and dystopian masterwork was published 70 years ago last month — The one, the only ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell.

October 15, 2015

10 Feel-good, uplifting titles to boost your mood

10 Feel-good, uplifting titles to boost your mood

Sometimes you just need something uplifting - whether you're working through a hard time in your life or having a down day, a book can often be just the thing. Not only a distraction taking you to another place, but also offering hope, stories have so many positive qualities for mental health.

October 11, 2015