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Letters - the magic is not going anywhere

Letters - the magic is not going anywhere

Last month children from across the world wrote letters to a very special someone - Santa Claus.

January 12, 2016

The best books for your commute

The best books for your commute

When you're commuting, sometimes quietly thinking can be quite pleasant. But there are other times, on a bus, train, or intergalactic spaceship (what d'you mean that's just Sci Fi?!) - possibly surrounded by hordes of grumpy faces, occasionally squished between armpits and rucksacks, and almost certainly trying to avoid eye contact - when your journey needs that little something extra. It needs a book.

October 19, 2015

10 Feel-good, uplifting titles to boost your mood

10 Feel-good, uplifting titles to boost your mood

Sometimes you just need something uplifting - whether you're working through a hard time in your life or having a down day, a book can often be just the thing. Not only a distraction taking you to another place, but also offering hope, stories have so many positive qualities for mental health.

October 11, 2015

7 Books on Mental Health and Mental Illness: Understanding ourselves and others through fiction

7 Books on Mental Health and Mental Illness: Understanding ourselves and others through fiction

In honour of World Mental Heath day today, we have put together a list of books which include the theme of mental health or specific mental illnesses.

October 10, 2015