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Green background with white book grapics with a purple bar across the middle. Text in white reads The Listening Books Listening Challenge.

Reading is a brilliant Summer Activity!

At Listening Books, we love reading and especially audiobooks! This summer, we are encouraging all our younger members to read for fun during the summer holidays. Whether you love science fiction, history, fantasy, comedy, short stories or novels, we have a wide range of titles to choose from and enjoy.

How to take part 

The challenge, aimed at children aged 5+, is to listen to as many books as they like during the summer holidays. Our challenge form suggests 6 books, but we encourage listening to as many books as they like!

For Parents and Teachers

Encourage your children to complete one of our Summer Listening Challenge booklets, to keep track of their progress. There are two to choose from. Booklet 1 can be completed by colouring in an animal figure for each book read. Booklet 2 can be completed by colouring in an animal figure, and they can also record the name and author for the book. 

Booklet 1 Summer Listening Challenge Booklet 2

Members can also leave a review of the books they have listened to by completing a review on our website! We'd love to hear about the books being enjoyed, so you can also share how the challenge is going on our social media channels by following us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

And when they have completed the challenge, you can reward them with a Listening Books Certificate

To get started

Login to your Listening Books account and choose a book. If you aren't yet a member of Listening Books, you can join here.

Explore Our Book Collection

The Summer Listening Challenge

Where Three Oceans Meet

Where Three Oceans Meet

Author: Rajani LaRocca

Rescuing Rosie

Rescuing Rosie

Author: Jean Ure



Author: David Walliams

Escape From Camp Boring

Escape From Camp Boring

Author: Tom Mitchell

The Iron Man

The Iron Man

Author: Ted Hughes

Swimming to the Moon

Swimming to the Moon

Author: Jane Elson