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Blog - search results for “audiobook”

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7 blogs that offer great audiobook reviews and recommendations

7 blogs that offer great audiobook reviews and recommendations

You're wondering what to listen to next, you don't know where to start on browsing Amazon comments, and you just want a few trustworthy audiobook reviews. Blogs can be a great place to find this sort of thing!

March 29, 2016

National Libraries Day: The curious case of the lesser-spotted library

National Libraries Day: The curious case of the lesser-spotted library

Today is National Libraries Day! All over the country, people are celebrating what makes our libraries special. And in the face of funding cuts and widespread library closures in the UK, showing your support for libraries is more important now than ever.

February 6, 2016

National Storytelling Week: Storytelling 101

National Storytelling Week: Storytelling 101

Once upon a time humans started telling stories. This sounds vague, but it's actually pretty accurate, as humans and stories seem about as old as each other. Storytelling appears to have just happened, and has thankfully kept on happening ever since.

January 25, 2016

Winnie the Pooh Day

Winnie the Pooh Day

Today, January 18th, is the birthday of author A.A. Milne. And it is thus, that today we celebrate what I believe to be his most marvellous creation: Winnie the Pooh.

January 18, 2016

Letters - the magic is not going anywhere

Letters - the magic is not going anywhere

Last month children from across the world wrote letters to a very special someone - Santa Claus.

January 12, 2016

Gifts for audiobook lovers: Our guide to trips and gifts

Gifts for audiobook lovers: Our guide to trips and gifts

Tis' the season to be jolly, those *Christmassy* vibes are in the air, and we've got your gifting inspiration for book lovers covered. (And perhaps some ideas of things to add to your own Christmas list!)

December 7, 2015

The Harry Potter lists that every Potter lover needs

The Harry Potter lists that every Potter lover needs

Here at Listening Books the Harry Potter series regularly tops our list of most downloaded audiobooks. As every Potter fan will know, this success can be easily explained - the books are great. Like really great. And that might still be the biggest understatement ever.

November 23, 2015

Etymology: Audio - Where did the word come from?

Etymology: Audio - Where did the word come from?

I sometimes find myself wondering why things are called what they are. Take ‘blog’ for instance. You could have a good guess that the word started out as some sort of ‘log’ or diary for something. But why the ‘b’ at the start?

October 26, 2015

The best books for your commute

The best books for your commute

When you're commuting, sometimes quietly thinking can be quite pleasant. But there are other times, on a bus, train, or intergalactic spaceship (what d'you mean that's just Sci Fi?!) - possibly surrounded by hordes of grumpy faces, occasionally squished between armpits and rucksacks, and almost certainly trying to avoid eye contact - when your journey needs that little something extra. It needs a book.

October 19, 2015

10 Feel-good, uplifting titles to boost your mood

10 Feel-good, uplifting titles to boost your mood

Sometimes you just need something uplifting - whether you're working through a hard time in your life or having a down day, a book can often be just the thing. Not only a distraction taking you to another place, but also offering hope, stories have so many positive qualities for mental health.

October 11, 2015