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Nicholas de Garis is the Audio Producer for Listening Books. He works in our in-house recording studios making educational audiobooks for our Sound Learning service. Abigail Jaggers spoke to him about what an Audio Producer does, what's involved in editing an audiobook, and his dream audiobook to record.
January 22, 2018
0 CommentsLadies and Gentlemen, allow my to introduce myself. My name is Josie. I work at Mencap as a receptionist and campaigner. My job means a lot to me because years ago I found it hard to get a job. Now I am involved in interviews, in training and campaigning, so I have many important roles in Mencap.
December 3, 2017
0 CommentsIf you're finding reading difficult, school can be particularly daunting. There always seems to be so many things to read! This is where our Sound Learning service comes in. We record educational audiobooks from ages 7 and up so that at least getting through the reading doesn't have to be difficult. We've collected some of the best back to school audiobooks in our library, so get a head start on listening!
August 23, 2017
0 Comments161 years ago today L. Frank Baum, best known as the author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, was born. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was the best-selling children’s book for two years after its initial publication in 1900. But it was just one of the 55 novels, four ‘lost works’, 83 stories and 200 poems that Baum wrote. So for his birthday, we thought we delve a little into the varied and fascinating life of Lyman Frank Baum.
May 15, 2017
0 CommentsI am an educator of educators. I teach others how to be the best teachers. But, I’m also different. I have learning challenges. I found my way and my life’s calling thanks to dedicated educators. As we celebrate the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), I am reminded of my personal journey. My disabilities could have defined me. But they did not. I do not consider myself dyslexic or learning-disabled. I am Jim. And here’s the story of how I overcame my challenges and the educators who helped me along the way.
February 27, 2017
0 CommentsThis Valentine’s Day will once again see a celebration of love. Unfortunately for many people with learning disabilities, this is just a dream. Although they may want to be in a relationship, they are often faced with barriers and challenges that prevent them finding what many take for granted. But specialised dating agencies can help to provide the support they need to meet new people and find romance.
February 14, 2017
0 CommentsThe podcast industry has grown exponentially in recent years, with recommendations for new podcasts as common as tips for restaurants and shows on Netflix. But what do experts listen to? The Conversation asked eight authors from across their sections to tell us about their favourite podcasts – and why you should tune in.
February 7, 2017
0 CommentsGoing to university can be a test for anyone, fresh, or not-so-fresh from school. Students are not only expected to adapt to independent study and increased reading loads, but they also have to learn as soon as possible how to “do” the kind of academic writing and academic talk their given field demands. And for those students with dyslexia, this can be particularly challenging.
December 5, 2016
0 CommentsWe've picked The Owl & The Pussy Cat by Edward Lear as it's such good fun. Some poems are profound and others are silly (this one's definitely silly), and it's important to remember that there's poetry out there for everyone! Whether you write it, read it or listen to it, poetry can have a really valuable place in your life.
October 6, 2016
0 CommentsBack in May, Bill Gates dropped five books he would recommend that you read. This week Barack Obama has offered us his summer reading choices. And why not be influenced in what to read next by your favourite celeb? You like them, so maybe you'll like their reading choices too!
August 17, 2016