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How Read for Good Sets Alight the Literary Love

How Read for Good Sets Alight the Literary Love

School children reading to help children in hospital - what could be better? How Read for Good sets alight the literary love, wherever your child may be.

March 5, 2018

Truth is Stranger Than Fiction: Non-fiction Audiobook Recommendations

Truth is Stranger Than Fiction: Non-fiction Audiobook Recommendations

I know, I know, non-fiction has a bit of a reputation as being dry, but I'm here to let you know there are some really fascinating non-fiction audiobooks out there. I’ve pulled together five of the ones I’ve learnt the most from, so sit back, relax, and learn some cool facts while being read to!

June 21, 2017

How robots can help us embrace a more human view of disability

How robots can help us embrace a more human view of disability

When dealing with the otherness of disability, the Victorians in their shame built huge out-of-sight asylums, and their legacy of “them” and “us” continues to this day. Two hundred years later, technologies offer us an alternative view. The digital age is shattering barriers, and what used to the norm is now being challenged.

May 22, 2017

#ThanksforTyping: the women behind famous male writers

#ThanksforTyping: the women behind famous male writers

It started when an American academic noticed how frequently the acknowledgements sections of weighty academic tomes featured a male author thanking his nameless wife for typing. 

May 2, 2017

Why you don't need to write much to be the world's bestselling author

Why you don't need to write much to be the world's bestselling author

By the estimation of award-winning author Donal Ryan, there are times when 300 sales might be enough to make a chart topper – the bestseller mantle tends to have more promotional than monetary value. Of course there are the literary blockbusters — titles like Harry Potter and The Da Vinci Code — books that ship hundreds of millions of copies. But combine the sales of JK Rowling and Dan Brown, even throw in John Grisham, and you’re still lagging behind the sales figures of the world’s true bestselling author — James Patterson. 

April 18, 2017

16 Mythical creatures and which books to find them in

16 Mythical creatures and which books to find them in

If you're a fantasy lover, you'll know how great mythical creatures can be. They can be menace or hero, evil or saintly. And they are so cool. They have fascinating histories and many variations, and it's always interesting to see how authors bring them to life in their stories.

February 21, 2017

People with learning disabilities want to find love too

People with learning disabilities want to find love too

This Valentine’s Day will once again see a celebration of love. Unfortunately for many people with learning disabilities, this is just a dream. Although they may want to be in a relationship, they are often faced with barriers and challenges that prevent them finding what many take for granted. But specialised dating agencies can help to provide the support they need to meet new people and find romance.

February 14, 2017

What you need to know about having dyslexia at university

What you need to know about having dyslexia at university

Going to university can be a test for anyone, fresh, or not-so-fresh from school. Students are not only expected to adapt to independent study and increased reading loads, but they also have to learn as soon as possible how to “do” the kind of academic writing and academic talk their given field demands. And for those students with dyslexia, this can be particularly challenging.

December 5, 2016

Seven of the best literary bears

Seven of the best literary bears

It's Hug a Bear Day! If you've read the blog before, you might have caught that I'm a huge Winnie-the-Pooh fan. Well, I'll confess to you now, that whilst Winnie-the-Pooh might be my favourite literary bear, I love a lot of bears. By which I mean fictional bears, and cuddly bears, and fictional bears that you'd really like to cuddle.

November 7, 2016

Roald Dahl's 100th birthday is worth celebrating!

Roald Dahl's 100th birthday is worth celebrating!

Roald Dahl Day is celebrated every year on his birthday, 13th September, and events go on throughout the month. However, this year is a very special one - Dahl's 100th birthday! Dahl penned 39 books and many have become firm favourites around the world. His books have also been adapted into much-loved films, such as The Witches and Matilda. The most recent release - the BFG - reminds us that Dahl's influence and magic is ever-present! His style and imagination capture the hearts of many, the Listening Books team included. So here are our favourites from Dahl's expansive catalogue.

September 13, 2016