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Join Listening Books Today For Free!

Looking for audiobooks online for free? There are a wide variety of reasons that reading or holding print books might be difficult. Dyslexia, chronic conditions like ME, even depression can make it almost impossible to access the joy and escapism of books. 

Our audiobook lending service exists to help you. We provide an online and postal audiobook lending service so you can keep reading. 


How We Can Provide Memberships for Free

Buying audiobooks or joining subscription services can be expensive, and free audiobooks aren’t always the best quality.

We believe that cost shouldn't be a barrier to accessing audiobooks, which is why we run a sponsored membership scheme for those that find our annual membership cost prohibitive.  Our free memberships are funded with the kind support of charitable trusts and companies, and enable us to provide a full year's membership to our service. 

Included With Membership

White triangle with a mint green outline pointing to the right.

Stream audiobooks online 24/7.

White book with a mint green outline with a bookmark on the front.

Using the free Libby app, download titles to a portable device.

Five mint green vertical lines increasing in size and then decreasing in size.

Access thousands of newspapers and magazines as part of membership.


What Your Membership Includes:

  • Access to over 10,000 audiobooks from our collection 
  • Borrow up to 20 audiobooks a week, every week 
  • Our bi-annual audio newsletter
  • Exclusive interviews with authors and narrators
  • Audiobooks you won't find anywhere else
  • Plus, for no additional cost, members also receive access to thousands of newspapers and magazines from all over the world, through our partner service PressReader.



Will I Need To Pay Later? 


When you apply for a free membership we ask for a self-declaration that our standard annual membership cost of £20 per year would be a barrier to joining. We take this on trust and don't ask for financial proof of this - there are enough forms to fill out in life! 

If you are actively using your membership (this just means by borrowing audiobooks from us) your membership will roll over, year on year, unless you decide to cancel, and will remain free subject to funding. 


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