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Blog - search results for “Children's books”

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Listen Up: Why Your Book Needs to Sound as Good as it Reads

Listen Up: Why Your Book Needs to Sound as Good as it Reads

When you're writing your book, think about the accessibility of the story, the way it sounds when it is read out loud. Think about all the different audiences that might access your book in different ways. After all, we are not just writing words on a page, we are writing stories for people to hear.

June 14, 2023

Audiobooks with Multiple Narrators

Audiobooks with Multiple Narrators

When it comes to choosing audiobooks, you can't go wrong with one narrated by multiple narrators! Especially when a book is written from more than one perspective, having multiple narrators helps with immersing yourself in the characters heads. This works particularly well for crime novels, for short stories, and for adapting books that rely on illustrations. But, everything from two character voices to a full cast can help to enhance the story!

January 3, 2020

10 Audiobooks to Listen to for the Summer Reading Challenge!

10 Audiobooks to Listen to for the Summer Reading Challenge!

The Summer Reading Challenge takes place every year over the summer holidays. All you have to do to complete it is borrow and read six books from a library!

August 6, 2019

Scary Audiobooks That Will Creep You Out

Scary Audiobooks That Will Creep You Out

Audiobooks are the best way to immerse yourself in a thrilling story. A voice speaking straight into your ear is way scarier than reading. Even the shortest one can have me hiding under the duvet. So, if you love a creepy story, then check out this list of scary audiobooks for a fang-tastic fright!

October 26, 2018

An Interview With An Audiobook Narrator

An Interview With An Audiobook Narrator

How does an audiobook narrator record books? How do they work out character voices? And what does a dog ordering a pizza sound like?

March 14, 2018

What to listen to next? Audiobook recommendations galore

What to listen to next? Audiobook recommendations galore

It can always be difficult to pick your next title to listen to. Whether you've just come off the back of listening to a book you loved or one that you're not sure was quite right for you, or if you've never listened to an audiobook before, how do you pick from the vast range of books out there?

June 5, 2017

Why children’s books that teach diversity are more important than ever

Why children’s books that teach diversity are more important than ever

If you think back to your childhood, what sticks with you? For many people, it’s those cosy times when they were cuddled up with a parent or grandparent, being read a story

March 27, 2017

A year of Listening Books Blog! 10 posts you don't want to miss

A year of Listening Books Blog! 10 posts you don't want to miss

This week marks a year since we began Listening Books Blog! We've loved every minute of it, and hope you have too! We've written about topics ranging from the history of audiobooks to the joys of volunteering. We've had interviews with Eragon author Christopher Paolini, and travel author Bill Bryson to name but two. And we've put together lots of recommendations for audiobooks of all sorts.

September 28, 2016

15 reasons why audiobooks are amazing

15 reasons why audiobooks are amazing

Audiobooks have so many things going for them and there's loads of articles out there about their recent rise in popularity. But what if you're yet to give audiobooks a try? Or don't know what they can offer you? Well let these reasons persuade you. And for all current audiobook listeners, this post is about revelling in the vast array of benefits audiobooks have and maybe discovering some new perks.

July 26, 2016

Celebrating women authors: favourites from the Listening Books team

Celebrating women authors: favourites from the Listening Books team

To mark International Women's Day we're celebrating some of Listening Books' favourite women authors. We've not based it on the top sellers, or necessarily the most poignant - but on the most enjoyment and satisfaction we get when listening to or reading their books. So here's to the women we love to read!

March 7, 2016